Release: TBD

Business Model: PAID / $3,99 (No Ads / No IAPs)

Marketing Plans: UA (Paid Campaigns/Budget TBD, E-mail to ~10,000 previous own opt-in clients on escape games genre, Press, Influencers, Social Media)

‘Enigmaticon’ is a fresh entrant to the gaming industry, crafted by seasoned game developers and puzzle-solving experts with many years of experience and is gearing up to launch a captivating series of creative puzzle (Escape Room) adventures called ‘Phone Escape’, designed to seamlessly fit the mobile device screen possibilities, ensuring a 100% intuitive and enjoyable experience. The first game of the series is called ‘Phone Escape: Hopeless’.

Key Features of the ‘Phone Escape’ project

  • The concept is intricately tailored and optimized to provide a seamless gameplay experience specifically designed for the small portrait-mode screen of a phone.

‘ A New Proposal to Playing Escape Games on Mobile Devices

  • Crafting a bespoke custom phone OS immerses players in an experience that transports them into the very heart of the game itself.
  • A compelling narrative embellishes the unique gameplay. This elevates the overall experience, resembling a lifelike story reminiscent of living inside a thrilling movie.

‘ Use your phone as if you were actually inside a real room

  • A hint system with varying levels of granularity will be available to assist players who encounter difficulty solving certain puzzles.
  • The game will consist of 21 chapters, providing approximately 3 hours of gameplay for experienced Escape Room gamers and significantly more playtime for casual players.

‘ Explore “Aha Moment” puzzles within an immersive 3D environment
that will both challenge your senses and quicken your heartbeat


Target Audience

The game targets individuals who appreciate thriller movie settings, enjoy escape rooms, and relish solving puzzles. The initial installment in the series is tailored for players aged 13 and above due to its intense environment and sounds. While it doesn’t classify as a horror game, it does feature moments that induce an adrenaline rush.

Who is

The puzzle designer behind ‘Phone Escape’, Dimitris Chasapakis, authored the highly acclaimed ‘Journal 29’ & ‘The Cypher Files’puzzle book series, ensuring the quality of the riddles featured in ‘Phone Escape’ with a proven global track record of success.

The remaining team members consist of seasoned game developers who have independently showcased their projects on prominent platforms such as the App Store (Line Defense) and Google Play (Kazarma). Their extensive experience includes collaborations with numerous studios and publishers worldwide.

Company website: https://enigmaticon.com/


Gameplay (First chapters / 16′:18″)

Original Soundtrack




The concept revealed

The background storyline unfolds as the hero wakes up within a dark chamber, holding an unfamiliar mobile device. A message from an unknown, hostile figure arrives on the phone, seemingly responsible for the hero’s confinement. The hero is coerced into following this individual’s directives, tasked with solving challenging riddles to uncover the truth. Amidst the game, another person emerges to aid the hero, but their true allegiance remains uncertain.

Contact us

Stam Sarris – CEO
E. stam.sarris@enigmaticon.com
M. +30 6973024129

However, the reality behind this narrative is quite different. In actuality, this entire scenario transpires within the hero’s mind while undergoing psychological treatment with their doctor. The hero grapples with the tragic loss of their beloved child in a car accident, unable to cope with the overwhelming pain and guilt. This internal struggle manifests as a self-imposed punishment, constructing a story within the hero’s troubled psyche.

NOW (The end of the game)
December 3, 2023, New York.

In the midst of a cloudy, freezing Manhattan afternoon, Dr. North, a psychiatrist, gazes out his window in quiet contemplation. To his surprise, a blue butterfly flits out of view, capturing his attention. His phone, resting on the desk, suddenly rings.

Good evening, Doctor.
 Good evening, Robert. I’m glad to hear from you.
I’m ready, Doctor.



May 12, 2003, New York.

A young couple, Evelin and Robert, exchange vows surrounded by a dazzling array of movie stars, celebrities, politicians, and prominent businessmen.

Robert, a visionary who designed an electronic chip during his studies at MIT, transformed his small business, Thorn Technologies, into a technological empire. His ‘PhoneOs’ chip, implemented in the latest government communications hardware, propelled the company’s shares and secured Robert’s place as a content and affluent businessman.

His encounter with Evelin, a strikingly beautiful dance teacher, ignited an instant connection. Their eyes met, sparking a love that resonated deeply within both of them. “If I were to be reborn, I would turn the world upside down to find you, my love,” became Robert’s characteristic phrase for Evelin. Her mesmerizing bright blue eyes held the power to enchant him, and he’d do anything for her. Evelin reciprocated the same commitment, a woman of talent, confidence, and unwavering support for her beloved.

Robert’s tumultuous upbringing haunted him. Losing his mother at three and dealing with a demanding and unfair father left scars deeper than physical wounds. Evelin became his solace, the angelic figure capable of soothing his tormented soul.

Demonstrating brilliance from an early age, Robert’s affinity for coding and computers acted as an escape from reality. His genius drew attention, leading him from college to MIT, and ultimately, to becoming the youngest wealthiest man in the US.

Yet, Robert had periods of psychological crisis. Under stress, he’d lose himself, adopting the persona of Trebor—violent, crude, and erratic. This hidden side was known only to Evelin, Robert, and Dr. North.

Years passed, and eventually Evelin became pregnant, bringing immense joy to their lives. Robert found solace and warmth, eagerly anticipating the birth of their daughter.

Feb 14, 2014, Newspaper Cover Page, Everyday USA.

Tragedy instead of celebration!
Tragedy for the Thorn family. Evelin, a dance teacher by profession and wife of tycoon Robert Thorn, gave birth to a healthy baby girl but due to serious complications during the delivery, she breathed her last at 9:18pm. Disconsolate, Mr. Thorn says, among other things: “My child’s name will be Hope. Hope to forget. Hope to forgive. Hope to live.”

Robert’s world crumbled. Left alone with a baby, he vowed not to mirror his father’s failures. With Dr. North’ help, he navigated grief and devoted himself to raising Hope, honoring Evelin’s memory.

Hope grew into a smart and beautiful child, becoming Robert’s source of joy. Their travels abroad brought moments of respite, but fate hadn’t yet written the final chapter of Robert’s tragic tale.

Feb 15, 2020. Newspaper cover page, Everyday USA.

Sad finale to an accident caused by a reckless driver in France!
Hope Thorn, daughter and sole heir of the founder of the technological giant Thorn Technologies Inc., last night lost the battle for her life at the General Hospital of Paris. Mr. Robert Thorn turns out to be a tragic figure who, after the unexpected death of his wife a few years ago, now also loses his beloved daughter. The question is: Will he live to experience this insurmountable pain?

Mar 6, 2020. Newspaper cover page, Everyday USA.

Good news at last for R. Thorn!
Robert Thorn has recovered from a 21-day coma following the fatal crash in which he lost his daughter. Wishes for a speedy recovery as well as condolences from the entire political and business world of the country.

Could he endure this grief?
Looking in the mirror, would he see the warm eyes of the real Robert or the accusatory glare of Trebor?
Dr. North could assist, but his whereabouts were unknown.
What is this dark place?
Who’s this phone in my hands?
Who am I?

A message arrives on the phone: “Finally awake. I speak, you obey.”

The ‘Phone Escape ‘ story begins…

Phone Escape: Hopeless - Escape Room Game Series